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Apr 10, 2022
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What do you think of when you think of B2B technology? Something very technical and dry, perhaps. That's why it's essential for B2B technology marketers to understand their audience and be able to communicate the real value of the technology they are promoting. That's exactly what these nine influential B2B tech CMOs tell compelling stories about what their technology makes possible.Linda Boff-GELinda Boff played a pivotal role in transforming the buy email list public perception of tech giant GE. How did she do it? According to Robert Klara at Adweek , it has done this "with a series of experience- and content-based digital initiatives. Each of these efforts demonstrates how GE's latest technologies connect to everyday life".Linda Boff understands the story. In 2017, she ripped it up at Content Marketing World, where she gave an incredible session, "Imagination at buy email list Work: Lessons in Storytelling from GE." She explained how to use stories to communicate strategy, sell, inspire, and reach audiences: "We're not precious about how we tell these stories" as long as you "find a medium that's engaging, inspiring, and memorable." "GE's most recent slogan, "Technology is how we do things. People are the reason we do things," reveals buy email list the secret to good B2B storytelling. It shouldn't be branded solutions; it should be about what the solutions make possible for people.Karen Walker - CiscoKey to Cisco CMO Karen Walker's success has been her ability to connect and unify a fragmented team. When she inherited the Cisco team, there were 14 different marketing and communications organizations. "We knew we had to come together as a function, as a profession," she told Forbes in a video interview.
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