However, by describing and interpreting the situation in São Paulo and by delving into a microsocial and interpersonal analysis, men and women acquire specificity. In the urban world of São Paulo, she concludes, life seems to be easier for black women. Her I mobile phone number list nsertion in urban domestic work does not imply a deep rupture in her experience. There are more continuities with her previous experience than in the case of men. Hence, she characterizes the black woman as "a privileged labor agent because she is the only one who can have lasting jobs and a more permanent livelihood"fifteen.
It is due to this continuity of their tasks in the mobile phone number list urban world that black women run the risk of becoming the only means of subsistence for men, but without the complementary protection of a stable and integrated family. The results of all these conditions are anomie and social disorganization of the personal and social life of Negroes. Thus, at this point in her mobile phone number list analysis, Fernandes incorporates an explicit consideration of gender relations, and how these interact with class and "race" in a specific context. One of Fernandes' central questions is: did the city repel blacks? His answer is that it was not really just a racial issue: «The economic, social and cultural isolation of the black was the product of his relative inability to feel, think and act socially as a free man»16.
Entering the urban world and the competitive mobile phone number list social order implied a strong requirement: to shed their previous way of life and adopt the psychosocial and moral attributes of a family head, salaried worker, citizen, entrepreneur, etc. «The exclusion would have had a specifically racial character if the black had these qualities and, despite this, was rejected»17. The economic, social and cultural dynamics, without a doubt, were and are complex.